Location: at the very centre of the Bosco Pantano di Policoro Oriented Nature Reserve (MT), in the foliage of trees of an attractive pine forest, a few metres from the crystal-clear waters of the Ionian Sea, lies the Circolo Velico Lucano. The large space in front of the place opens up like a painting over the sea, showing a beautiful, unspoilt beach: a breathtaking scenery where it is not uncommon to witness dolphins and sea turtles, as the Ionian coast has in recent years been an area frequented by the caretta.
The Place: the Hotel, about 4 km away from the nearest city (Policoro), offers an accessible nautical centre and a considerable fleet of nautical behicles. including sailing boards, canoes, dinghies, and is able to offer a variety of vacation that can be fully customised and modulated according to the particular needs of each guest. It is surrounded by a picturesque pine forest, and its settled in the very heart of ancient Magna Graecia, the accommodation facility offers an eco-sustainable welcome in which it is possible to enjoy open-air spaces. The accommodation places – 21 bungalows and 20 tukuls (sleeping 4 each) and 26 mini bungalows (in the shape of a WESTERN Wagon, sleeping 2 each) are designed and built with zero environmental impact materials. they integrate harmoniously with the habitat. Each unit, independent and immersed in nature, is elegantly furnished and modernly equipped and comfortable, with the addition of en suite facilities and heating/air conditioning systems to ensure optimal comfort in every season. The rooms offer a spectacular views of the landscape, assuring moments of peace and serenity. It is a unique experience that combines the quality of psycho-physical well-being with the environmental sustainability. The place is also equipped with: a kitchen; a covered and an open-air dining room; a bar (for guests only); a fixed emergency medical service (and an agreement with a general doctor 24/7 available on call, in addition to the fundamental presence of the Policoro Hospital, about 4 km far from the facility); there are large spaces dedicated to sports, workshops and evening entertainment. The facility has no architectural barriers, so girls and boys with disabilities can enjoy every moment of the day with the help of their assistants. The private beach reserved for the young guests is equipped with tents, gazebos, parasols and sun loungers. For leisure and sports enthusiasts, beach soccer and beach volleyball courts are available as well.
Treatment: Throughout the stay, full board treatment allows the guest to enjoy delicious meals prepared with fresh and genuine ingredients, strictly short chain and km 0, in an authentic celebration of the authentic flavours of Lucania. From Italian breakfast to lunch and dinner, with typical dishes prepared with love and passion, each dish is a culinary experience to remember, necessary to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Meals will be accompanied by mineral water. Different and various menus are planned for children with allergies and intolerances. In addition, a snack break takes place in the mid-afternoon during the activities in the multidisciplinary programme. Packet lunches will be provided on excursion days. Full board treatment begins with dinner on the day of arrival and ends with a packed lunch.
Services: The Circolo Velico Lucano is a sports club that puts effort in promoting the knowledge and culture of the natural and socio-cultural environment through sporting practice, as a pedagogical and educational tool. A toold for disabled and non children or those living in areas with a high mafia density, with the precise intent of favouring their social inclusion in order to reduce the school drop-outs percentage. The multi-sports structure puts at the centre of its most important training and multidisciplinary projects – in line with the noble educational goals and educational and training school objectives – the spreading of initiatives dedicated to youth and student tourism, making its technical and professional experience available to guests for the practice of sea sports, land activities and any other sporting and laboratory discipline aimed at the knowledge and appreciation of the surrounding historical/artistic and natural environment.
It is considered as an exclusive opportunity for exploration, adventure and socialisation. Circolo Velico Lucano’s affiliations: Legislative Decree no. 39/2021 establishes, at the Department for Sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the National Register of Amateur Sports Activities – previously set up by CONI for ‘recognition for sporting purposes’ – for the management of which the Department uses the ‘in house’ company Sport e Salute S.p.a.. All amateur sports clubs and associations that carry out sporting activities, including educational and training activities, operating within the framework of a National Sports Federation, Associated Sports Discipline or Sports Promotion Body recognised by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) are entered in the Register – which is managed entirely by telematic means. Sports clubs and associations recognised by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) are also registered in a special section. For recognition for sporting purposes, Circolo Velico Lucano di Policoro – as a sports club – is regularly affiliated with the following federations Centro Sportivo Italiano – CSI; Ente Nazionale Democratico di Azione Sociale e Sportiva ETS – APS; Federazione Italiana Badminton – FIBa; Federazione Italiana Giuoco Handball – FIGH; Federazione Italiana Nuoto – FIN; Federazione Italiana Sport Orientamento – FISO; Federazione Italiana Tennistavolo – FITET; Federazione Italiana Turismo Equestre Trec – FITETREC ANTE; Federazione Italiana Vela – FIV; also certifying the amateur nature of the same, for all the effects that the legal system attaches to such qualification, pursuant to d. lgs. 39/2021. The practice of nautical sports such as sailing (both dinghies and pleasure boats), canoeing, swimming, windsurfing, Stand Up Paddle (SUP), kitesurfing, land activities including horse riding, tennis,badminton, handball. There are workshop activities such as orienteering, which are conducted by highly qualified personnel with many years of experience in the tourism/sports sector and that are supported by equipment and infrastructure of high quality standards.
Educational activities: 24 hours per week of sports activities, 8 hours per week of Italian language course
Program: Within the “Policoro Sailing Summer Camp” there will be organized activities aimed at integration, fun and acquisition of new specific skills.
Sailing School: the teaching of the sailing course will be followed a teaching that will lead the student to the achievement of short, medium and long term goals. The achievement of these goals will be verified from time to time on the field by the instructors. Theoretical classes will be conducted in groups. The instructor, before each sea outing, will clearly and concisely explain the exercises planned for that day. During the sea outings, photos and videos will be taken in order to be used as instructional material for the next theory classes. Safety is provided by rescue craft on which the instructors follow the students, in addition to the very fact that the activities take place in a body of water limited by marker buoys. Racing technique and tactics Use of the Spinnaker and use of the trapeze. Specifically, tacking will be performed in a stick course, developing good tactics in upwind tacking, carrying tacking, course selection, tacking, and finally, racing tactics. In particular, simulations of the start, the fundamental moment of a regatta, will be performed, with all the signaling related to it, which is done through the codified use of flags collected in an International Code of Signals. The Circolo Velico Lucano fleet consists of: OPTIMIST, LASER16, TRIDENT16, FIV555, LASER, FEVA, SUN 2000 and CABINATED sailboats.
Wind surf course: Theoretical classes are taught on land using a simulator. Specifically, the focus is on the balanced position of the body on the hull, during the raising of the sail from the water, which involves more than physical effort the ability to coordinate without falling into the water. Ashore, the two fundamental maneuvers, tacking and jibing, are also simulated to change tack and reach a predetermined point in the sea area used for practice (Buoy). The practie at sea involve continuous work on everything simulated ashore, until a good mastery of the vessel is acquired, which then allows the student to be able to move at sea by tacking between two predetermined points, sailing both upwind and in carrying gaits. The facility has no. 5 MISTRAL ONE DESIGN sailboards.
Kitesurfing: This is a completely ecological (the key elements are the wind and the sea), innovative and, above all, adrenaline-pumping sport, that consists of being towed by a steerable PowerKite (kite) standing on a surfboard, using as propulsive force originated by the wind. Contrary to many spectacular sports, kit surfing does not need special conditions (strong winds and oceanic waves), so the Lucanian coastal coastline offers numerous opportunities to identify goodlocations that are suitable for this sport. Kitesurf is a sporting specialty that officially falls among the disciplines assimilated to sailing that combines the techniques of surfing and windsurfing (and other board sports as well) with the tranquility of sailing inherent in the typical navigation of sailboats.
Canoeing: Canoeing is a complete sport discipline that places a major focus on the muscles of the arms and shoulders for the technical gesture of “paddling.” In addition, the canoeist makes great use of the muscles of the back, through rotations, and of the “core” (the central part of the body, including the abdominals) for maintaining balance and the correct position of the back. Students, constantly supervised by instructors, will take part in fantastic excursions along the dune coasts of the Ionian Sea including the exclusive lake environments of great beauty that, while doing canoeing, it is possible to observe and ascend, such as the mouths of the Sinni and Agri rivers. The center has 30 canoes at its disposal.
Horseback Riding: The Circolo Velico Lucano has a horseriding school, where lessons on horseback are organized so that the students can be able to trot and gallop safely. The main purpose is to initiate students into equestrian tourism, thanks to the campus being surrounded by an environment that encourages excursions.Beginners will be able to get into horseback riding from the very first steps, while those who already have experience with horses will be able to have targeted lessons to extend their technical knowledge.The course can be included as one-hour lessons can be held without creating problems for the organization of the day. The center has No. 7 horses and No. 01 riding stables.
Nautical Workshop in Italian Language: Students, through the “Sailing Game,” (in Italian “Gioco Vela”) will participate in classes held in Italian to learn nautical terminology with emphasis on knots names, wind rose, gaits, etc. Learning nautical terms is essential because it provides a global language used by sailors to communicate clearly and effectively.
Environmental Activities:
Orienteering: Also called the Sport of the Woods, it is the set of techniques for recognizing one’s position within an outlined course, in which the athlete, equipped with a map and compass, must reach the finish line by passing through a series of checkpoints, called lanterns.In recent years, orienteering (orientamento in Italian), is a sporting practice that has taken on considerable interest from the school world as a tool capable of combining the enhancement of the attractions of unknown geographic spaces with the development of tourism, by promoting its places and activities to a series of technical, educational, training, environmental and cultural values through a path of interdisciplinarity with school subjects.
Cetaceans and Turtles Project: Marine biology lessons will survey the population of cetaceans and turtles living along the coasts of the Ionian Sea.
Nature workshop; there will be excursions to the Bosco Pantano Oriented Nature Reserve for direct contact with the natural environment and a hands-on approach with the writing of forms for the purpose of classifying and censusing the existing flora and fauna on site. The children will learn to recognize the flora, fauna and various ecosystems of the reserve through experiences aimed, likewise, at raising awareness and appreciation of the surrounding environment. .
Recreational Sports Activities: Casual Sport entertainment tournaments will be provided by federal instructors, who will organize sport games such as: Beach Soccer; Beach Volleyball; Table Tennis; Archery; Table Football. The Circolo Velico Lucano, in fact, among the equipment that allows the conduct of sports disciplines, has soccer fields, beach volleyball and beach soccer fields, table tennis tables, circuit for archery, tables for Table Football, badminton equipment.
Evening Activities: The Evening Animation Team, after dinner will involve the children in dancing evenings, discodance, karaoke, stargazing nights, living experiences on the beach to enjoy the dazzling charm of sunrises and sunsets on the sea, etc.
Dedicated program for children with disabilities; During the entire stay within the facility, specific activities will be drawn up. Circolo Velico Lucano represents a significant example of the importance of inclusiveness and accessibility in sports, demonstrating a tangible commitment to the community of people with disabilities. Through the purchase of specific equipment (bikes and wheelchairs) among others, designed with compatible features for use by people with disabilities, it not only promotes physical activity and social involvement, but also wishes to embrace the values of equity and participation. These investments highlight the essential role of sports as a tool for inclusion and empowerment for people with disabilities by enabling individuals with different abilities to actively participate in sports activities, challenging the physical and social barriers that sometimes limit their involvement. Through sports, people with disabilities can develop self-confidence, acquire new skills, and make meaningful connections with other participants. This commitment to inclusiveness not only improves the quality of life for people with disabilities, but also enriches the local sports culture by promoting values of diversity, respect and equality. Circolo Velico Lucano thus stands out as an example of leadership and social engagement in the sports scene, inspiring other organizations to follow suit and adopt policies and initiatives to promote accessibility and inclusion for all.
Trips and Excursions:
No. 1 full-day excursion to try the incredible experience of “Nautical Camping” participants will depart from the Policoro nautical base during daylight hours aboard sailboats or canoes. Constantly assisted by the facility’s instructors, they will reach after about an hour of sailing, the fascinating Mouth of the Sinni River. Leaving the boats “at anchor” and the canoes on shore, the students will reach the beach where they will rest for lunch. Return late afternoon.
No. 1 Outing aboard cabin cruisers sailing mini-cruise “Sailor for a day” with lunch on board: the goal is for the students to have their first experience of cruising the open sea as protagonists spending an unforgettable day. Going out sailing in the company of friends is a desire of many, but one that few manage to achieve. On this trip, we will board a fascinating sailboat used for deep-sea sailing and we can all be “Sailors for a day.” It is said that the first time is the fateful one, but it is also the beginning of crazy love.
No. 1 Mountain Bike Tour excursion at the Marinagri Tourist Port in Policoro.
No. 1 excursion to the Pantano Forest Reserve (see nature workshop).
Staff at the facility: The staff at the facility is carefully selected to guarantee dedicated and professional care for the guests. Overall ratio 1 adult for every 14 minors. The Director of the facility is a key figure with previous experience in summer camps for children. His responsibilities include the general management of the facility and the supervision of all activities planned during the stay. The staff includes the presence of the following additional professional figures: Group leader, Doctor and nurse with a 24-hour agreement with the facility. Assistant for disabled guest: guaranteed, if requested by the family; English teacher; Certified sports instructors; Recreational entertainer. The Facility Manager, Group Leader and other operators/instructors reside in the same accommodation facility in accommodation adjacent to the minors. A security service is also provided at night by specialised personnel.
House Rules: Visits and Phone Calls – Visits from relatives and friends are not allowed. Receipt of phone calls is allowed only from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Parents and chaperones of minors are not allowed to stay at the center. Cell phone use will be regulated with times to be respected. Compliance with safety regulations at sea and on land.
Biweekly session or Weekly session
Feel free to choose the period you want and travel with us!
you can choose one or two consecutive weeks, please contact us for details.
The fee includes: Full board accommodation; Afternoon snack; Sports activities; Italian language courses; Fun and recreational activities; Group Leader always present h/24; FIV/CSI Animator and federal sports instructor membership card; Medical and nursing assistance on call h/24; Backpack; Participation in activities as scheduled in the program and relative certificate of participation; Animation and entertainment program; Laundry service for guests’ clothing; Trips/excursions as scheduled; Insurance policy
The fee does not include: Transfers that are mentioned in the departure city chapter; Meals during transfers; Anything not specifically mentioned in the “fee includes.”